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Soak off gel / Shellac , Acrylic,

Hard Gel 
Home Maintenance


You will absolutely LOVE your nails while you are wearing Soak off gel / Shellac, Acrylic nail, Hard Gel  and Gladna Nails expects your nails to last flawlessly for at least 2-3 weeks as long as you give them a little care and attention during that time.
You have adding a little protection to your nails if doing tough jobs like household cleaning and gardening, hobbies that are rough on your hands or using harsh chemical products without wearing gloves; doing these things without protection can mar your nail service.
If you are on holiday please be careful when using sun tan oils or insect repellent solutions as many of these products contain DEET which will cause major damage to the top coat.
If you do happen to cause some damage to the coating and see any lifting or peeling, please do NOT pick or pull at the lifted area, as this will cause the lifting to increase and could even damage the natural nail.

Please contact us so that I can assess the nail and decide if a repair is necessary. 
Please use Cuticle Oil at least twice a day (especially at night before going to bed).
Also use hand and and body lotion daily to prolong the life of your Soak off gel / Shellac, Acrylic nail, Hard Gel  and keep your natural nails and the skin surrounding them healthy, moisturised and flexible.
If you wish to temporarily change the colour of your nails whilst wearing them, you can use nail enamel over. but please be sure to use an Acetone Free Remover when removing nail polish.
Relative to your life-style and activity level, your Soak off gel / Shellac, Acrylic nail, Hard Gel will need fortnightly or three weekly maintenance as there will be obvious re-growth.

At this point We can either infill your nails (remove existing colour and lifting parts and applying a fresh new colour) or remove completly.

Please Feel free to ask us any other infomation.


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